Hard to Find Graphics Papers
This page has links to some papers that are hard to find in electronic form.
Poulton, J., Fuchs, H., Austin, J., Eyles, J., Heinecke, J., Hsieh, C-H, Goldfeather, J., Hultquist, J., and Spach, S., “PIXEL-PLANES: Building a VLSI-Based Graphic System,” Proceedings of Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI, May 15-17, 1985, pp 35-60.
Gharachorloo, N., Pottle, C., “SUPER BUFFER: A Systolic VLSI Graphics Engine for Real Time Raster Image Generation,” Proceedings of Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI, May 15-17, 1985, pp 245-260.
Demetrescu, S., “High Speed Image Rasterization Using Scan Line Access Memories,” Proceedings of Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI, May 15-17, 1985, pp 221-244.
Fuchs H., “Distributing a Visible Surface Over Multiple Processors“, Proceedings of the ACM Conference, 449-451, 1977.
Eyles, J., Austin, J., Fuchs, H., Greer, T., and Poulton, J., “PIXEL-PLANES 4: A Summary,” (presented at Eurographics ’87, 2nd Workshop on Graphics Hardware), Advances in Graphics Hardware II, Springer-Verlag, 1988, pp. 183-207.
Bunker, M and Economy, R., Evolution of GE CIG Systems, SCSD Document, 1989.